Re-Elect Jim Ammerman

Re-Elect Jim Ammerman

Monday, October 18, 2010

in Harrison County




  • Tough on Crime
  • Juvenile Arrest Rate Down 55%
  • Boot Camp 93% Success Rate
  • Endorsed by The Marshall Police Officers’ Association
  • Jim Ammerman is one of the hardest working Judges in East Texas
  • Fair but Firm Justice
  • The Court has collected over $6 million in fines and restitution. Saving taxpayers money.
  • Conducts Nearly 4 times as many Jury Trials as Longview with 2 Judges
  • Judge Ammerman is dedicated to his church, wife, family and the Citizens of Harrison County.
  • Judge Ammerman’s opponent claims The Office of Court Administration publishes a “Judicial Efficiency Rating” that gives Judge Ammerman the lowest efficiency rating.  This is a total LIE!!! No such rating exists. (letter below from Texas Office of Court Administration)
  • The Untrue Ad placed in the paper by Judge Ammerman’s opponents is not only untrue but is offensive, with none of the so-called little known facts being true.  Do not let this small group of 4 men bring the nastiness and distasteful antics of Washington Politics to Harrison County.
  • Judge Ammerman's opponent is also making a ridiculous claim regarding his income.  This comes from an unauthorized unknown internet source and is absolutely false.  Judge Ammerman has contacted the site and they refused to tell him who provided the information.  He has tried to have them remove it but they will not because he did not create it and the person that created it has to remove it, which is not Judge Ammerman.  Again, dishonest political strategies.
 Stand up and fight these tactics by voting for Judge Jim Ammerman!!

Name of CountyPending Criminal CasesPending Case Comparison by County
Harrison                 393
Gregg              4,424 11 times as many cases
Nacogdoches              4,301 10 1/2 times as many cases
San Patricio              5,113 13 times as many cases
Walker              6,182 15 1/2 times as many cases
Coryell              1,953 4 1/2 times as many cases

Since the opposition has chosen to add a bogus "ethics" argument to this race, we have to point out that what they are claiming is false as well.  ALL municipal and County Judges are allowed to practice law while being a Judge and Hurlburt did the same thing while he was a municipal Judge in Longview.  This was before he was asked to leave that job.  State law allows it in this position, and clearly there is no eithical conflict.
This is just more of his smoke and mirror nasty Washington-type politics!!!

Please see the following articles written by Julia Robb regarding the lies regarding Judge Jim Ammerman.  The PAC (Political Action Committee) that printed the lies in the newspaper and in the mailer got their information from Hurlburt.  He is the one who invented the "efficiency rating" and began using outdated and inaccurate numbers related to the backlog of cases.

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